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This subject aims to develop students’ scientific literacy and the ability to make scientific inquiries. Through lesson activities, tasks, experiments, and field trips, students learn to think scientifically, critically, and creatively to solve Biology-related problems individually and collaboratively in real-life contexts. Students are guided to construct and apply knowledge of Biology, understand the nature of science and appreciate the relationships between biological science and other disciplines, and thus will be able to make informed and ethical decisions and judgements on biology-related issues in the future.


Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels qualification in Biology has also been provided as an alternative to the local HKDSE Biology curriculum since 2021. This world-class qualification is comparable to the UK GCE A-Level qualification. It is designed to extend learners’ knowledge and understanding of Biology with flexible use of mathematical skills and various transferable skills, including cognitive, intrapersonal, and interpersonal skills. Students who completed the course would be able to progress to further education in biological science globally.
